Monday, May 7, 2012

Hunters Safety for Railey

Railey just finished taking the Hunters Safety Class. She is only 9 years old, but she really wanted to take it. So we signed her up. The class went from 7-9 p.m Monday -Friday. We were worried about how tired she would be and if she would be able to do it. She is normally in bed by 9 every night. She went to class each night. At the end of the week they took the written test on Friday night and she passed with a 94%. We were so happy for her. She was so proud of herself. She then had to do the shooting test on Saturday. She passed it along side some teenagers that failed. She was pretty happy. She got her certificate and now she is ready to hunt. We decided to celebrate by making a cake and having ice cream. She asked that we decorate the cake so we put a bullseye on it. She is such a smart kid. We are very proud of her.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a HUGE accomplishment! Congratulations Railey!
